
Showing posts from July, 2020

Extinction Full HD Available For Free Watch Online

Click here to watch for free A working-class father of the future faces recurring dreams of destruction by an unknown force. When his unwanted nightmares begin to affect his relationship with his family, he soon realizes they may be the key to a horrible reality, as a relentless alien attack begins to destroy the Earth. As the invaders' assault progresses, he is forced to find both the strength to protect his family and an understanding of who he truly is. A so-so Netflix movie in which a family man (Michael Pena) finds his premonitions of an alien invasion coming true. Earth's futuristic skyscrapers are soon ablaze, but the fact that the aliens' labor-intensive invasion plan requires them to go door to door with bayonets fixed to laser rifles suggests that there's something weird going on. The big twist is a good one, there are some decent action sequences and Lizzy Caplan is always good to watch, but there isn't enough here to keep things from dragging. Genre: Mys...

Dark Full HD Available For Free Watch Online

                            A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families.                                       Click here to watch series As I watched the show the week it came out, I was a bit confused the first few episodes as they passed by slowly and once the fourth or fifth episode came about, that was when it became interesting. The show is set in a quiet and dark (haha, no pun intended) town outside of Berlin called Winden, where it’s almost never sunny. The show depicts three different time periods of the town’s history and each of these time periods is somehow connected. The characters seem to have a connection with one another without knowing that they all have this connection and that they are all hi...